Take yourself to the next level with advanced training.
Instrument Rating.
This rating allows the pilot to operate under instrument flight rules in a suitable equipped aircraft. This rating may be gained by holders of a PPL or CPL. Please be aware that private pilot license holders may require additional training to meet the rigours standards expected for the flight test.
Mountain Training.
The mountains provides an exhilarating and challenging experience for any pilot, but flying in these conditions requires exceptional skills.
Our close proximity to the Rockies allows our students access this amazing location within minutes of departure and therefore provides a unique advantage both time and cost to the student.
Multi-Engine Rating.
This will allow the holders of a PPL or CPL to operate a multi engine aircraft. This will give you the freedom and capacity extend your horizons and experience, with the added security of two engines.
Whilst these rating can be obtained independently, combining the training will provide the most cost effective use of your funds and time.